
Helpful Guide On Android Phones And Smart Ways Of Buying Online

If you want to buy an Android phone to watch videos and earn or whatever else you want to do with it, then this article can be very useful for you.

And yes, it’s possible to make money watching videos on your phone these days, even on the move. Thanks to the technological advancement and sophistication of mobile phones these days, one can do things that were only imagined back in the days.

You can even do just about anything you want with a mobile phone these days. That’s why some people are even advocating for the name to be changed from just a “phone” to much more, considering all we can do with them these days.

This article throws a lot more light on android phones. It discusses android phones in general and how you can buy them without breaking the bank. This simply means that you will find useful details on how to buy cheap android phones from the Internet.

Android Operating System

For a start, Android is an operating system by Google in consortium with other companies. Together, all come under the name of the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Android as an operating system is different from other operating systems used from mobile phones, like Blackberry Operating System, WebOS, Nokia Symbian OS, Bada OS, and Apple iOS, etc.

The distinctness of Android is because it is offered to the general public as an open source technology. This implies that its source code is open for general users. In other words, developers are free to use the code to create or design applications that would run on the platform.

That’s why you find so many apps out there today because of just about any developer who knows how to, can create an app. There are so many apps for just about anything you can think of.

And the good thing is that many of these apps are completely free to download, install and start using. Of course, some have ads that the developers make money, but the ads don’t usually stop one from benefiting from them.
Versions of the Android operating system. Android has many versions. Since its creation, some of the versions that have been created so far include 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 4.0, etc.

The earlier versions took their names after desserts, for instance, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, and 4.0 are referred to as Cupcake, Eclair, Frozen Yogurt, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, and Ice Cream Sandwich respectively. Many of the latest versions can run programs on both mobile phones and tablet computers.

The Benefits Of Android Phones

Android runs different programs in different brands of smartphones in the market today. The phones with Android are known to have the capacity of running many multimedia features, entertainment features, storage functions, music, video, camera, games, call functions and many kinds of Google applications. More information about the benefits of Android phones, here.

That’s why many apps have been created by many different developers, for many different purposes. If you think of just about any idea now, there’s probably an app that does what you are thinking. If not, then some developer somewhere is working on it!

Android phones come with a touch screen and designed in ways that ensure their features are simple, functional, and entertaining to the end user. In the mobile market today, Android phones are taking the lead in sales. The popularity of the operating system has now drastically reduced the market share for other OS like Apple’s iPhone, Blackberry, etc. Android is only going to get even more popular as more people get connected to the Internet worldwide.

Shopping For Cheap Android Phones On The Internet

With the many different android phones in the market today, it’s very easy to get a cheap one, if you take the time to search. The price of android phones ranges from $200 to $1,000+ depending on the brand, features, versions, and other functionality.  You can buy a cheap Android phone by following the tips below:

Shop online from websites that sell mainly mobile phones and accessories. These sell cheaper than other types of stores.

  • Compare two or more sellers at low prices.
  • Check out used android phones as they could be cheaper.
  • Look out for discounts and special deals from online sellers.

Finally, you can check out great deals from sites like Amazon, eBay, and other popular online sellers of Android phones. Comparing sellers’ options is an important step to get or find low-cost Android phones. Follow the tips provided above and you can get your phone at the cheapest price.

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