
Why Shop Local For Office Equipment? Glad You Asked!

office equipment

If you’re looking for new office equipment, the national chain suppliers can be tempting because of their fast-delivery promises and the superficial appearance of savings, but there are a lot of reasons why you might wind up better off with a local supplier. While the sticker price on equipment looks a little higher at first glance, an office equipment supplier Staten Island is positioned to offer you equipment support that streamlines downtime and helps you make more money with your machines.

Support For Sales

Local equipment sellers tend to provide additional services you won’t find from many national chain suppliers and catalog-only remote vendors. For example, many include inexpensive equipment support options that prevent you from needing to ship out your machines.

Some even get their maintenance techs certified as factory authorized repair professionals for top brands. That means you can get house calls for your misbehaving equipment. Usually, you can also get support for training employees in its use.

Flexible Leasing That Suits You

Another option local suppliers excel at providing is equipment leasing for short-term and long-term project needs.

Whether you’re looking to avoid investing in depreciating assets or you just have a temporary need, this gives you an option that brings you the equipment, then removes it when you no longer need it, and all without the additional hassle of an equipment loan and the cost of moving the machines in and out on your own.

Loyalty Savings And Long-Term Relationships

Finally, it’s not an absolute rule, but most local businesses wind up with price flexibility when closing sales, especially for long-term customers. If you develop a relationship with a supplier that counts on your business, you might just find the sticker price for you suddenly gets lower than you’d find it anywhere else.

That kind of relationship takes time and usually volume purchases, but it can be invaluable when you’re establishing yourself as a major competitor in the area.

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