
Why Ukranian IT Outsourcing Companies Are A Choice To Consider

What Is Outsourcing?

Lately, IT outsourcing companies are providing their services more often. This means that a company hires another company. The goal is to perform tasks that were previously handled internally. It is a very common practice for modern companies. Offshore companies are mostly hired because they provide different types of services.

Why Choose Outsourcing Companies?

People prefer this business practice because it reduces costs. Furthermore, this helps your business grow and develop. You will have more time to focus on the core business goals and plan everything accordingly. In addition, offshore software developers are highly trained professionals. As a result, they focus on continuous improvement and providing quality services.

What Type Of Services Can Be Outsourced?

There are some tasks that require specific skills. There is a good solution for every type of business. The most outsourced services are:

  1. Accounting
  2. Software development
  3. Call center and customer support
  4. Data Entry
  5. Manufacturing

Ukraine, The Gem Of IT Outsourcing

According to hireukraniandevelopers.com, there are over 100,000 software developers in Ukraine. A big majority of them speak English on a professional level. 19 % of these have 7+ years of experience in IT. Ukraine software development is a $3 billion market. In addition to that, Ukraine can double the market size by 2020. According to Colliers international, Ukraine has the 4th largest number of IT professionals globally.

Moreover, Ukraine outsourcing companies are among the leaders of IT service providers in Europe. Thanks to the quality of the outsourced services, a great number of start-ups began in Ukraine. For example, Looksery, PetCube, Grammarly, DepositPhotos, Jooble, Viewdle, and CleanMyMac.

Top 3 Advantages For Your Business

Hiring companies offshore is the right choice because of 3 main reasons:

  • Cost reduction
  • More time for business development
  • Flexibility

Tech Events In Ukraine

Ukraine hosts many important tech events. Here are some examples:

1. Games Gathering Conference. This includes 100 lectures, 6 game battles, and 5 workshops. It lasts two days and it’s the biggest Ukrainian B2B game developer event.

2.  Agile Eastern Europe Conference. This focuses on the decade growth of Agile community in Ukraine. It also focuses on ways to improve the process.

3.  PyCon Ukraine. This conference is organized by Kyiv Python User Group. It brings the focus on things like language advancement and frameworks.

4. IT Arena. Very well-known in Western Europe, this event takes place in Lviv, Ukraine. There are 100 startups, 2800 participants and 90 famous speakers.

5. DEV Challenge. This is a competition and it’s divided into 3 categories: Junior, Middle, and Senior. Dev Challenge is a Ukrainian only software development championship.

Cultural Compatibility

Ukraine is an Eastern European country. As a result, the country’s location facilitates easy access by a short flight. The professionals here are focused on delivering the best result. They are easy to work with. This can be explained by their business ethics and strive for success. In addition to that, there are no language barriers because of the good English level.

Time Zone Convenience

The time zone in Ukraine varies. For example UTC+2 or UTC+3, suitable for communication to any foreign entrepreneurs. Moreover, Ukrainian tech workers propose flexible and shared business hours. Consequently, this makes conference calls and business meetings possible and easy.

STEM Education

Higher education is very important in Ukraine. The numbers show it: 79% of the Ukrainians completed higher education and 57% of them hold STEM degrees. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. This shows that there is a lot of tech talent in Ukraine.

As a result, your business will have the advantage of growing and developing based on talent and knowledge. Also, there are 400 universities in the country. 40.000 graduates are proudly holding a degree every year. Most noteworthy, this number exceeds the number of graduates in Japan, Norway or Sweden.

Outsourcing Is The Answer

To conclude, outsourcing is the best solution right now. Not only it reduces costs, but it also improves quality. Thanks to the STEM-oriented education in Ukraine, there are a lot of software developers out there that are available.

It is very important to be able to communicate business goals and plans. Fortunately, language skills are also not a problem. So, if your business is often affected by IT support issues, outsourcing is probably the answer to this problem. In the end, this strategy is worth giving a try.

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