
3 Reasons Why You Need An Entertainment Lawyer

Getting into show business isn’t easy. It’s a cut-throat world with little room for fear, doubt, and unbelief. You have to pursue a dream in entertainment with utmost intensity, passion, and drive to even scratch the surface of establishing a career within music, acting, dancing, or any other type of performance-based work.

However, while it’s up to you to make a name for yourself, you don’t have to protect your talents and gifts alone. Working with an entertainment lawyer such as John Branca is a good idea to keep your talents and time protected once you start signing contracts. Here are three reasons why it’s beneficial to sign Attorney John Branca or someone else to play a role in your career.

1. Trademark Assistance

When you start making it big, you know gigs won’t be the only thing making you money. In fact, when you make it to a certain level, the entertainment you provide may come second to the brand you create. Being an entertainer means you’ll not only create a name for your talents but will foster a brand that people want to associate with whether that’s in clothing, decor, or other outlets.

Therefore, you have to make sure you register everything the right way or else you could lose out financially. A lawyer knows how to get your trademark registered, so you don’t regret anything years down the road.

2. Online Guidance

In the age of technology and social media, everyone is online all the time which means you need to maintain a thriving online presence with social media, a website, and any other outlets your followers engage with. Therefore, a lawyer should be involved to check on your online footprint and protect you if something does happen.

The downside to becoming “famous” online is that hackers look to target people with lots of followers. If you end up making it big and do get hacked, it could ruin your reputation. Having a lawyer will keep you protected and can fight for your name if someone tries to tarnish it.

3. Contractual Protection

When you start signing gigs, you’re going to be working with seasoned vets in the entertainment business. While some record labels and agents may be good-hearted, you don’t know everyone’s intentions. Working with an entertainment lawyer ensures you’re signing contracts that are fair and just.

Lawyers are there to protect, fight for, and help you thrive. As you seek out a career in entertainment, don’t pass one up. Their wisdom and guidance may be what you need to ensure your big break launches a lasting career.

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