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Knowledge Required Before Purchasing Thatched Roofs

Whether you are just looking to get a new roof or replace an old one, there are some things to know about thatched roofs before installing them. The lifespan of a thatched roof, how to clean the top, and how to get roof insurance are all crucial factors to know.

Water Reed Vs. Block Ridges

Choosing whether to put water reed or block ridges on your thatched roof can make a difference to the overall appearance of your property. One elevation may be more suitable than the other, depending on the material used and the design of your home.

A thatched roof can be wrapped with an ornamental pattern. This can be a simple wrap-over ridge or an elaborate block ridge design. Often, the height of a thatched roof is constructed from sedge grass or straw.

Water reed is the most commonly used material for thatching roofs. It is the most durable. It can last sixty years but becomes more brittle and snaps easily if bathed in nitrates. Water reed is imported from Turkey, Hungary, and Poland.

The ridge is the area of a thatched roof that receives the most weather. Therefore, it requires regular attention, usually every ten or fifteen years. It can be blocked or wrapped to keep out animals and to protect the top course of thatch.

The Lifespan of a Thatched Roof

Getting a thatched roof is an excellent-looking addition to your property and can also help protect it from damage. Thatch roofs are built from various materials, including jute, palm leaves, sisal, and broom grasses. A thatched roof’s lifespan is influenced by the materials used, the climate, and the level of craftsmanship.

The most important part of a thatched roof is the ridge. Usually, straw is used for this component. The roof ridge should be replaced every 10 to 15 years.

The bottom layers of thatch can survive hundreds of years. The NSMT materials quality program assesses the raw materials used to construct thatched roofs. It also tests the ridge mentioned above and other principal elements.

The NSMT program also tests other material types and preparation techniques. In addition, the program aims to help owners maintain thatched roofs.

A thatched roof can last between 40 and 50 years, depending on the climate and region. But, of course, a properly constructed roof will last longer.

Insurance For Thatched Roofs

Buying insurance for thatched roofs is a significant part of owning a property. Therefore, it’s essential to find out what’s covered, and it’s also important to understand what the policy does and doesn’t include.

Many insurers are hesitant to insure thatched roofs due to the different fire risks. This can increase the cost of the premium. However, there are some ways to help reduce this risk.

Firstly, you need to ensure that your thatched roof is maintained correctly. It’s important to keep proof of any repairs. This includes a certificate of compliance. This document assumes that the work carried out on your property complies with the SANS Code of Practice 10313.

You should also ensure that your thatched roof is built using fire precautions. For example, you must ensure that your roof is regularly inspected. You may also want to install a fire retardant spray to reduce fire risk.

Mold on a Thatched Roof

Despite being a traditional type, thatched roofs are susceptible to decay. Algae and fungi are significant causes of thatched roof decay. These two factors lead to shortened lifespans of thatched roofs.

Several measures can be taken to help stop the decay of thatched roofs. One of the most critical steps is de-mossing the top. A skilled thatcher best does this.

Aside from that, the roof should be regularly inspected to identify any problems. Early detection of roof issues can help reduce the cost of maintaining the top.

The lifespan of thatched roofs can be reduced by allowing algae and fungi to grow. This is particularly true on northern slopes.

On a thatched roof, there are several ways to avoid mold growth. Utilizing a thatch sealer is one of the best methods. This will help prevent fungal growth and damage from humidity. It is also essential to keep the roof exposed to sunlight.

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