Home & Garden

What A Property Owner Should Know About Oil Tank Removal

You might wonder if it’s time to get rid of an oil tank if you have one on your property. A leak or the need to clear the way for renovations are just two of the many reasons why you should have an oil tank removed.

Removing an old oil tank is a complex process and should only be done by experienced contractors. This is an environmentally hazardous task, so choose a licensed company with the proper equipment.

What Happens If The Tank is Contaminated?

If the tank is contaminated with oil, the cleanup cost can be expensive and may not be covered by homeowners insurance.

Many homes in New York have underground fuel oil tanks. These tanks can cause massive contamination when they leak, contaminating the soil surrounding them and groundwater beneath their property.

Homeowners may only realize that their backyard tanks are leaking once a professional inspector inspects their property and takes soil samples. DEP will be notified if contamination is found, and the property owner must undergo further remediation. An oil tank removal Westchester County NY requires thorough cleaning and inspection and can be done by a professional oil tank company.

This contamination can contaminate your home’s foundation and plumbing, eventually affecting neighboring properties. It can also contaminate nearby irrigation wells, underground utilities and storm drains. It’s a severe environmental problem affecting your health and your family’s well-being.

What is The Process of Removing an Oil Tank?

Removing an oil tank is a process that a professional heating oil company with the right tools should handle. This is important because a few things must be done correctly to ensure no oil is spilled and the tank is not damaged.

The first step is removing the tank from the ground. This can take a few hours. Then the tank will be cut into pieces.

Next, the tank will be emptied of all oil and any sludge that may have been collected in it. The tank will then be topped off with sand or gravel, and all vent and fill pipes will be disconnected.

If the tank is underground, soil testing will be conducted to check for contamination that could have entered the ground. This is not included in the tank removal cost but is necessary for responsible removal.

What Happens If There is a Leak?

When you have an oil tank, it is essential to check for leaks. These can be very damaging to your property and must be addressed immediately.

Many leaks can occur, each with a specific impact on the home. Luckily, some common signs you can look for will inform you about the leak in your home.

How Long Does It Take to Remove an Oil Tank?

Many factors can influence how long it takes to remove an oil tank. The tank’s size, location, and condition will play a large part in the process.

Typically, domestic oil tanks take at most half a day to remove. However, it may take longer if the tank is underground or the job is more complex.

The most crucial step in removing an oil tank is closing it entirely and ensuring no remaining oil or vapors.

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