
A Guide To Increasing Your Microbiome Diversity

You can increase your microbiome diversity through diet. Eating a variety of plant sources such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, and whole grains is one of the best ways to achieve this. I will give tips on improving your diet and increasing your microbiome’s diversity. Eating fresh whole foods is the best way to enhance the richness and diversity in your microbiome.


When it comes to your gut microbiota, you might not realize it, but you are likely to have a wide variety of species. While it’s true that higher diversity is better than lower, scientists have yet to find a set cutoff for gut microbiota diversity. One way to determine how diverse your gut microbiota is is to compare it to other people’s microbiomes. Some companies offer tests that reach your gut microbiota to others, but the results may be biased since their data are limited.

Environmental exposures

Numerous studies highlight the importance of airborne microbial diversity in forming a healthy gut microbiome. In addition, some recent research provides evidence that early environmental exposures impact a child’s microbiome. For example, the findings show that introducing a puppy or dog to a child at an early age may increase the child’s microbiome diversity.

Maternal contact

Mother’s milk is an integral part of the bacterial community that a newborn inherits. Not only does breast milk seed-specific populations of bacteria in the infant’s intestines, but it also helps restore the microbiome of previously formula-fed neonates. Some people use donor breast milk for their infants, but this is only practical for premature or ill newborns. Milk banks in the USA treat the donor milk by pasteurizing it to kill pathogenic microbes.


Increasing microbiome diversity is an important health goal. The variety of gut bacteria is directly related to the foods we eat. For example, fermented foods contain large numbers of beneficial bacteria. In addition to improving lactose digestion, fermented foods are also helpful for weight management and can even reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Find a registered dietitian in your area who can explain how to increase the diversity of your gut bacteria.


Eating a variety of whole plant foods can promote a diverse microbiome. According to The American Gut Project, people who eat about 30 plant varieties per week have a more diverse microbiome. A guide to increasing your microbiome diversity is available for purchase online. To maximize your microbiome diversity, eating fresh, whole foods as much as possible is best. Fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds are all great sources of fiber and are rich in plant-based protein.

Maintaining culture collections from individuals in the developing world.

Biological resources are essential to the life sciences. Culture collections can be certified as mBRCs by following Best Practice Guidelines and implementing quality assurance processes. mBRCs are committed to meeting a high-quality standard.

Benefits of a balanced microbiome

The benefits of a balanced microbiome are many. In addition to optimal cognitive function, a balanced microbiome leads to a healthy immune system and a strong defense against allergies. In addition, chronic diseases are linked to inflammation. Reducing inflammation by maintaining a balanced microbiome improves health and athletic performance. Specifically, enhanced lactic acid breakdown and better regulation of redox reactions are the most important benefits.

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