
How To Help An Aging Family Member

If you have an aging family member that needs help, it is sometimes difficult to decide where you should start and what you should look for when assisting them. Depending on their level of need, these guidelines can help you figure out how to begin.

Identify What Their Needs Are

Before doing anything else, find out what the needs are of your elderly family member. Do they need help getting to and from the store? An extra hand when it comes to housework? Or perhaps they need help bathing, getting dressed, and even cooking a meal and understanding healthy eating. Knowing what your loved one needs gives you an idea of where you need to start.

Make Reasonable Accommodations

After you know what they need, find out what you can do to help make their home more accessible. Perhaps they need major renovations, like a walk-in shower. Or, maybe it is something small that makes coming and going easier for your family member, like a wheelchair ramp. Ask them about what difficulties they face and walk around the home together, looking for ways that you can help your family member improve their daily life.

Seek Outside Help When Necessary

Depending on your loved one’s age, medical issues, and where you live, you might need to seek outside assistance. This could be in the form of a caregiver, or even a change of scenery, such as senior care Waukesha. Assisted living facilities can make it possible for your family member to enjoy life even more while getting all their needs met.

There are many options when it comes to helping a family member who is aging. First, find out what they need, and see how you can make their home more comfortable. Seeking outside help might be necessary, but can help improve your loved one’s life.

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