
Tips To Prepare For Your High School Reunion

Whether you graduated high school ten years ago or twenty years ago, the time to start preparing for your reunion is at least 6 months in advance. If you can start preparing sooner, that’s even better. The reason you need the extra time is so you can adopt an all-over care routine that will leave you looking like you visit the salon every day. That’s how you can look your best and leave your classmates saying, “Wow!”

Hair Routine

Hair is definitely a problem area for a lot of people. You can experience dandruff, oily strands, breakage, and even thinning. Any of these problems are immediately noticeable, but there’s help. There are products you want to avoid, but there are also products that can help get your hair back to the stellar sheen you had when you were younger. Check out Function of Beauty reviews for a product that covers all your problem areas, and even promotes growth. 

Some important things to remember in your daily hair care regime:

  • Don’t wash your hair every day.
  • Condition regularly.
  • Allow hair to dry naturally.
  • Trim your hair regularly.

Following these tips will keep your hair from experiencing unnecessary damage. 


Your nails need maintenance, too. Sure, you could press on fake nails the evening of your reunion, but fake nails look like fake nails, and your natural nails can look so much more glamorous. 

  • Always trim your nails straight. 
  • Use a moisturizer especially made for nails. 
  • Never bite your nails. 
  • If your nails are brittle, try a biotin supplement

The sooner you adopt a regular nail-care routine, the stronger your nails will be when it comes time to glam up. 


Skin is always a problem area, especially when you reach your thirties, and even more so each following decade. Yet, you can always make skin look better, especially when you give yourself time to work on it. 

Moisturizer is your skin’s best friend. Apply an all-over moisturizer every evening when you get out of the shower or bath. This will help your skin retain moisture and keep it looking healthy. 

Exfoliate your face regularly. As you age, dead cells build up more quickly, causing the skin to look dull and less youthful. Exfoliating promotes new cell growth and helps lessen fine lines and wrinkles. 


You know about the benefits of proper nutrition and exercise. If you’ve packed on a few extra pounds, 6 months should give you plenty of time to get back in shape. Don’t wait until the week before to start worrying, because by then it will be too late. 

Adopt an exercise routine and stick with it. That’s the only way your body is going to look fit and tone by the time reunion arrives. Also, avoid extra calories by skipping the dessert. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables is the only way to go. 

If you take care of your body properly in the 6 months leading up to your reunion, the only thing you’ll be fretting over on the big evening is what to wear. The only advice here is to show it all off. 

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