
Essential Tips For Maintaining Healthy Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It helps absorb nutrients, warns us of illness, and acts as a protective barrier against the environment. Healthy and radiant skin is a sign of overall well-being.

A nutrient-dense diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can significantly impact your skin. In addition, it is essential to get enough sleep and stay hydrated.

Cleanse Daily

Cleansing daily is the foundation for a healthy skin routine. Using the right cleanser designed for your skin type will help keep the moisture barrier intact.

Without cleansing, dead skin cells build up on the surface, preventing your serums and moisturizers from effectively penetrating the skin.

Try an oil, balm, or milk cleanser that’s hydrating and gentle to the skin. Using an exfoliating scrub once or twice weekly is also a good idea.

Exfoliate Weekly

Encouraging the skin to shed dull, dead cells helps keep it healthy and glowing. However, it’s essential to exfoliate carefully to avoid damaging the protective skin barrier.

Exfoliate two to three times per week using a chemical exfoliant (like an acid serum) or a physical method like a scrub. Avoid over-exfoliating, as it can be drying to the skin. A dermatologist can help guide you on how to exfoliate safely.

Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Sun exposure can cause wrinkles and skin spots, increasing the risk of certain cancers. Protect your skin with hats, tightly woven clothing, and sunscreen from SkinHealth with an SPF of 30 or higher daily, even on cloudy days.

Look for fabrics labeled UPF, or ultraviolet protection factor, indicating how much UV rays penetrate the fabric. Also, avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Moisturize Daily

Adding a good moisturizer to your skincare routine is one of the most important things you can do. Experts recommend moisturizing at least twice a day–once in the morning and once before bed.

Moisturizing reduces the risk of extreme dryness and oiliness, which can cause common skin problems like acne. Another great tip for maintaining healthy skin is to use warm water instead of hot when bathing or showering.

Get Enough Sleep

A consistent whole night of sleep dramatically improves the appearance of skin. It reduces fine lines, evens skin tone, and diminishes under-eye circles.

During sleep, the body releases human growth hormones that promote cell turnover and boost collagen production to minimize fine lines and sagging. It also helps the skin to heal from sun damage and other environmental stressors.

Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night, including on the weekends.

Eat a Nutritious Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet is essential for overall health, and it can also have a positive impact on your skin. Certain nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and zinc, are essential for healthy skin.

Water and hydrating moisturizers help keep your skin hydrated, but you should also consider eating foods rich in hydration-boosting nutrients like cucumbers, watermelon, and celery.

Stay Hydrated

Hydrated skin looks healthy and is less prone to acne breakouts, rashes, and premature wrinkles. It also feels soft and supple.

Drinking water hydrates all of the body’s organs, but the skin needs to be hydrated, too. Consider using a product with hyaluronic acid to keep the skin hydrated.

Avoid long hot showers and baths since they rob the skin of natural oils. A humidifier can help as well.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Many everyday skin care products contain harsh chemicals, such as sulfates, which dry out the skin and can cause irritation. Phthalates, found in many fragrances, are endocrine disruptors that can cause hormone imbalance and lead to skin problems over time.

Avoiding irritants like ethanol and isopropanol, commonly used as preservatives in skincare and cosmetics, will keep your skin healthy. It is also important not to pick at your skin, which can lead to irritation and scarring.

Wear Sunscreen

Keeping skin healthy means wearing sunscreen daily. Choose a lotion-based sunscreen that is broad spectrum and SPF 30 or higher.

UV rays from sunlight can cause discoloration on the face, hands, and arms called sunspots (liver spots). Wearing sunscreen and avoiding excessive sun exposure can help prevent these spots.

See Your Dermatologist

The best way to care for your skin is to visit a dermatologist annually for a professional exam. Your doctor can recommend the right products and treatments for your skin type.

Healthy skin is a reflection of your overall health. Avoid consuming excess sugar, dairy, and processed foods that can contribute to inflammatory conditions. Visit a dermatologist every year and even more frequently if you have a higher risk for certain conditions.

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