Oral Health

Everything You Need To Know About Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are an essential part of dental hygiene. They remove plaque and tartar buildup, a major cause of gum disease and tooth decay.

While many people may not see teeth cleaning as a significant health issue, it has many benefits. Read on to learn everything you need to know about dental cleanings and how they can benefit your overall health.

How They Work

A dental cleaning removes built-up plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, and hardened deposits called tartar that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. It also helps keep teeth smooth so bacteria can’t stick around to eat away at the enamel.

The typical dental cleanings Happy Valley Oregon involves thoroughly examining your mouth and surrounding area, including the head and neck. The dentist may also recommend additional tests or treatments to keep your mouth and body healthy.

The procedure includes using several small hand instruments to remove the plaque, tartar and other debris from your teeth and gums. It also includes polishing your teeth and applying fluoride to remineralize the surface.

What to Expect

Dental cleanings are a routine part of every patient’s oral health care. They help fight cavities and save money on dental treatment.

Typically, your dentist or hygienist will start with a thorough exam and x-rays to detect any issues that may be lurking. The hygienist will also clean your teeth using ultrasonic or dental tools to remove plaque and tartar.

After cleaning your teeth, your dental hygienist will floss to remove any plaque trapped between your teeth and gums. This prevents bacteria buildup that could lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Next, your hygienist will polish your teeth with gritty toothpaste, usually flavored. Afterward, your hygienist will rinse your mouth with water to remove any traces of the toothpaste and plaque.

Depending on your specific needs, your dentist or hygienist may add a fluoride varnish to the treatment. This varnish can help protect your teeth for up to six months after a dental cleaning.


Getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist is an essential step in the dental hygiene process. It removes plaque and tartar that have accumulated on your teeth.

It also helps prevent tooth decay or other oral health issues. A dental cleaning is especially recommended for those with diabetes, as it can increase blood sugar levels and affect overall health.

It would help if you did a few things before your appointment to ensure it’s a comfortable and productive experience for all parties involved.

It’s also a good idea to disclose any medical history to your dentist, so they can determine any medications you may be taking that could pose potential risks during treatment. It would help to be honest about other medical conditions or past surgeries that might have affected your oral and dental health.

Post-Cleaning Care

Having your teeth professionally cleaned is an excellent way to keep your pearly whites white. The dentist uses a scaler to remove plaque and tartar, two culprits that form the foundation of gum disease, tooth decay, cavities and bad breath. The best part is it only takes a few minutes. Keeping up with your regular dental visits is the key to a lifetime of happy and healthy smiles.

Besides regular oral maintenance, paying attention to what you eat and drink is essential to prevent a sour mouth from making its rounds. The best foods to avoid include hard candies, popcorn and ice cream.

It is also wise to take it one step further and incorporate a water-based oral rinse into your daily routine. Lastly, a good diet and plenty of exercises can go a long way to keep your body and smile happily.

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