Oral Health

Tips To Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

Maintaining good oral health requires discipline. Bacteria can usually be controlled by the body’s natural defenses and good oral care, such as daily brushing and flossing. However, maintaining healthy teeth requires lifelong care. Even if you are told that your teeth are beautiful, taking proper care of them every day is essential to prevent problems from occurring. This includes getting the right oral care products and paying attention to your daily habits.

Flossing Daily

Flossing daily is an important part of good oral health care. Plaque starts to form on teeth four to twelve hours after it is introduced to the mouth. This plaque will eventually harden into tartar and needs to be removed by a professional. During the procedure, the Dentist in Port Orange uses an ultrasonic device with a small nozzle to remove tartar from hard-to-reach areas and patches. The tartar removal process may or may not be painful and depends on several factors. Luckily, flossing daily prevents the formation of tartar. You can do it while watching TV or listening to music. First, use a floss piece about the length of your hand from shoulder to shoulder. Then, use your fingers to gently clean your teeth, leaving at least two inches between them.

Brushing Too Hard

Brushing too hard can hurt your gums. This is an important part of maintaining your dental health, and it is important to remember not to use too much pressure while brushing your teeth. If you do, you risk wearing down the enamel on your teeth and causing receding gums. Even worse, this can lead to gum disease and sensitivity. To prevent this, learn the symptoms of overbrushing.

Using a Hard-bristled Toothbrush

Although hard-bristled toothbrushes aren’t generally recommended for general oral hygiene, there are instances when they are essential. For example, smokers may benefit from hard-bristled brushes in conjunction with softer ones. And while some people use these brushes to clean their dentures, these brush types aren’t as effective as softer brushes. But, ultimately, hard-bristled brushes may cause more harm than good.

Brushing After Acidic Food

After you consume a soft drink or a glass of wine, wait about 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. This will help you dilute any acid that may have lodged in the crevices of your teeth. Additionally, saliva can wash the acid away. If you do not have time to brush after eating acidic foods, chew sugarless gum or drink milk. These are also beneficial for your oral health.

Brushing After Starchy Food

If you haven’t noticed yet, brushing after starchy foods is essential to good dental care. Starchy foods are very sticky and can easily stick to your teeth, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Especially harmful for children, starchy foods are one of the leading causes of tooth decay and cavities. As per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, starchy foods are even worse than sugar for developing cavities.

Brushing After Soda

Drinking soda can do more harm than good. Not only does it increase your risk for tooth decay, but brushing immediately after drinking a soda causes more harm than good. The acid and sugar in soda can attack your teeth all night long, making them more prone to damage. Brushing your teeth with water is also important to prevent further acid attack. Water is best. But some sodas are better than others.

Brushing After Citrus Fruits

Although eating citrus fruits is good for your health, you must brush your teeth afterward to prevent damaging them. This is because citrus foods have a high acid content that can erode tooth enamel. This is why it’s essential to wait 30 minutes after eating citrus fruits before brushing your teeth—brushing too soon after citrus can cause your teeth to become abrasive and cause sores and cavity formation.

Avoiding Sugary Drinks

There are many ways to avoid the decaying effects of sugary drinks on your teeth. First, drink water, milk, and natural fruit juices instead. Then, purchase those with more than 10 percent juice content. If you can’t avoid these drinks, you can rinse your mouth thoroughly with water afterward and use fluoride toothpaste. Drinking less soda and other sugary drinks can also reduce the chance of cavities.

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