
Tips For Setting Up Your Garage Sale

Having a garage sale can be an easy and fun way to make some extra money. There are a few steps to consider when setting up for a garage sale to ensure you make the most of it.

Sort and Organize

First, start by cleaning out your home to sort out what things you are going to sell. Make a separate pile for how you want to categorize things. For example, you can organize all the clothes separately from the toys and then go by price. It’s easier to mark the larger items for sale with a price tag or sticker. Smaller items can be trickier to attach price tags. To avoid looking messy or making things confusing, sort smaller items into bins. You can neatly arrange and clearly label the bins, or even use different colors to organize. Staying organized will make things easier for you and potential buyers.

Set a Date and Time

Next, you need to plan when you are having your garage sale. Think about when you might get a lot of traffic in your area. Consider what days and times are most popular. Typically, weekends are the best time because that is many people have off from work. Get an early start to make the most of your potential sales. By the afternoon people will either be already busy or burnt out. When you narrow down the best day and time, pick a date that doesn’t have another big important event going on at the same time. If everyone in town is preoccupied with another event it could be hard to compete for a crowd. The last thing you want to consider for your garage sale date is the weather. Even if the weather forecast shows the sun, you may want to plan for a rain date just in case the weather surprises you.

Advertise and Promote

Now that your things are organized and your date is set, you can begin spreading the word. Promote your garage sale with signs and social media posts. Create as much hype online with your followers by posting about hot items for sale or other things that make your sale unique. Put up clear, bright signs with solid writing around your lawn and even on your car. Check with your local and state laws before making any larger advertisements or placing signs around town.

After everything is organized and preparation complete, you are ready to have a great garage sale. Get ready to make some extra money while sending your no longer needed items to new happy owners and homes.

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