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Tips On How To Keep Your Rug Spots Clean

If you own a rug, it’s important to know how to keep it clean. You may have heard that vacuuming regularly is essential for maintaining a clean rug, but there are other things you can do to help your rug stay cleaner. Read on for useful tips and tricks for keeping your rugs fresh and beautiful.

Shake Small Rugs

Shaking small rugs can be a great way to remove dirt and grit from the rug. However, it is important to check local ordinances before you attempt this.

Depending on the type of material used in the rug, it is a good idea to use a vacuum as one of the rug spot cleaning techniques Portland. However, be sure not to use a rotary brush or anything that can damage the natural fiber of the rug.

If the rug is made of cotton, washing it with warm water on a gentle cycle is best. It would help if you also considered using a mild detergent to help remove stains. For a small braided rug, you can place it in a zippered pillowcase and tumble dry it on a low setting.

If your small rug is made of silk, you can put it in the washing machine. You may use a mild detergent or lemon juice to clean it.

Vacuum Regularly

If you have rugs, vacuum them regularly to keep them clean. Aside from keeping your house free of dust and allergens, regular vacuuming will also help extend your rugs’ life.

A good place to start is by making sure you are using the right equipment. Some different types of vacuums will make cleaning your rugs easier. You can choose from a canister, an upright, or a combination of both. All of these devices have different features.

Start cleaning a rug at the top and work your way down. Short downward strokes will allow the vacuum to suck up more dirt. However, it would help if you were careful not to over-vacuum. This can damage the fibers of the carpet.

Rotate Rugs to Prevent Divots

When it comes to rotating rugs, it’s no secret that one of the best ways to prolong the life of your area rug is to rotate it. Aside from extending its lifespan, rotating a rug has several other advantages. One of the most important is keeping dirt and debris out of it, which makes it more sanitary.

If you have a large rug on display in a high-traffic area, it’s worth rotating it at least once a year. By doing so, you’ll prevent premature wear on your rugs, as well as preserve the fibers for longer. This is especially true of rugs made from wool, which tends to flatten over time.

The best part is the rotation above is easy to do. You’ll have to follow a few simple steps to do so. First, you’ll need to identify which rugs you have. You’ll also want to determine the size of each. Once you have identified each rug’s size, you can decide which ones need a little TLC.

Get Rid of Stains with Enzymatic Stain Remover

If you’re dealing with a stubborn stain, consider using an enzyme remover. It can get rid of the stain without causing damage to your fabric.

Enzymes are a naturally occurring biological process that breaks down complex chemical structures. They can break down proteins, blood, animal body soil, and other protein-based stains.

In addition to breaking down a stain’s molecules, enzymes can help remove odor. They can’t kill bacteria, but they can help you deal with the root cause of a stain. The best enzyme cleaners are safe for most fabrics and can be used on various surfaces.

Some of the stains you can easily get rid of with an enzyme cleaner are grease, oil, soap, and water-soluble stains. Leave them for a few hours or even a day for tougher stains.

Limit Exposure to Direct Sunlight

It’s no secret that direct sunlight can deleteriously affect your carpet and furniture. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the sun’s rays while maintaining a bright and happy home. For example, a few tweaks can keep your rug in great shape for years.

For starters, don’t just park your rug in front of your window. Instead, keep it well away from it. Consider placing a large curtain or drapery at the base of the windowsill to shield the rugs from the sun. Similarly, if you plan to be away from home for an extended period, lock your doors and close up your shades.

The best way to protect your fine textiles from the sun is to hire professional cleaning services. This may cost a fair whack, but the rewards in the form of a sparkling clean carpet or upholstery will be worth the effort.

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