Venues & Events

Venue Permitting Considerations For Event Planners

As an event planner or coordinator, your clients look to you to plan and organize special occasions. From wedding receptions to birthday parties, you look at your clients’ needs and come up with a plan to make them a reality. This includes big picture items as well as small details. Some of the small but important details include legal matters such as tax compliance and insurance. Here’s what you should know about permitting for events.

Holding Your Liquor

While a venue that serves alcohol should have a liquor license Houston TX, you may experience a scenario where that isn’t the case. Perhaps the venue lost its license or never had one, to begin with. Check to see if the owner has purchased liquor liability insurance. If not, consider getting coverage of your own. This offers you protection for an event where alcohol will be served, if not sold. 

Burning Up

A local city or other municipality may require you to secure a fire marshal permit for your planned affair. This process could take a much longer time than you anticipate, so look into this early and plan accordingly. Inclement weather may also force you to scrap plans for an outdoor event. You may be subject to permitting rules that you weren’t before. It’s best to look up fire marshal permitting rules for any job to be safe.

Serving and Protecting

If you’re serving food at an event, you’ll likely need a permit from the local health department. Requirements vary depending on the location. Inquire about inspection requirements beforehand. Work with the venue owner to improve the chances of passing an inspection. 

Being a successful event coordinator is more than just helping a client decide on a theme or color scheme. It’s about making sure that your event is safe and that you’ve dotted every I and crossed every T.  Lacking sufficient permits for your party or special occasion can lead to serious problems. Make sure you know what’s necessary and factor it into your planning.

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