
What You Need To Know Before Investing In Prosthetics

A prosthetic is an artificial device that replaces a missing body part meant to improve the user’s body functionality. For example, the amputee might have lost their body part due to congenital disability, accident, or disease. The prosthetic is intended to restore the normal function of the missing body part. In addition, it enhances the person’s lifestyle suffering from limb loss. Research done by the National Institute of Health (NIH) study documents the use of prosthetics varies from 49% to 95% for lower-limb amputation (LLA) and 27% to 56% for upper-limb amputation (ULA).

Over the years, prosthetics have become more sophisticated and advanced as technology improves. The prosthetic differs from person to person based on several determining factors.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Limb Prosthetic

There are various factors to evaluate before settling on the design of a limb prosthetic. They include:

  • The condition of the remaining limb
  • The level of amputation
  • Amputee’s specific goal, needs, and expectations
  • The location of the amputation
  • The activity level of the amputee’s affected limb

After examining the amputated limb, the prosthetics are fitted and designed with a prosthetist specialist. The prosthetist can design the artificial limb with the help of a manufacturer such as Radome manufacturers. Such prosthetic manufacturers receive measurements and requirements for the prosthetics and make the artificial limbs.

The fitting process will be done in the hospital after the leg is less swollen and the incision shows signs of healing. Once the leg is fitted, it’s crucial to take care of your general health, amputation site, and prosthetic.

In conclusion

Getting a prosthetic improves the life of an amputee. It provides the ability to dress, eat, walk, and even enjoy some social activities like dancing independently. In addition, learning to live with prosthetics will help you live a fuller and normal life. 

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