Cooking & Nutrition

What You Need To Know About Veganism

Vegan diets can have a bad reputation of causing vitamin and protein deficiencies. However, according to expert Gale Tobin, you have a better chance of doing this diet correctly when you know what you are getting into. Here is everything you need to know to get started with a vegan diet.

What Is Veganism?

Officially, veganism is a lifestyle that avoids any animal cruelty or exploitation, such as clothing, food, or other products made with their products. Therefore, the vegan diet avoids consuming any types of animal products, such as meat, eggs, or dairy.

Are There Different Types?

There are different variations to a vegan diet. The most common varieties include whole-food, raw-food, 80/10/10, starch solution, raw till 4, thrive, and junk food vegan diets.

Can They Help You Lose Weight?

Most vegans tend to be thinner with a lower BMI than omnivores. This is indeed why many people have turned to a healthy vegan diet as an effective way to lose weight.

Can They Manage Diabetes?

Swapping to a vegan diet is popular because it can help lower blood sugar levels and keep type 2 diabetes under control. For people without diabetes, you will greatly lower your risk of developing this condition because a vegan diet promotes lower blood sugar levels and more insulin sensitivity.

Are They Heart-Healthy?

Vegan diets are heart-healthy. Studies have shown that a vegan diet can lower your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.

Are There Other Benefits?

On top of this, vegan diets help prevent cancer, reduce arthritis pain, improve kidney function, and minimize your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is important to note that observational studies link these benefits to a vegan diet. That means you will not be guaranteed these benefits by swapping to this type of diet.

What Foods Must You Avoid?

Obviously, you must avoid any animal products. This includes meat, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy, eggs, bee products, and other animal-based ingredients.

What Foods Should You Eat?

Fortunately, there is a long list of foods you can use to replace these animal products. The most popular include tofu, tempeh, seitan, legumes, nuts, nut butter, seeds, dairy-free milk, plant-based yogurts, algae, yeast bread, whole grains, cereals, pseudocereals, plant foods, fruits, and vegetables.

Plenty of individuals have chosen to switch to a vegan diet. The good news is that when done correctly, this diet will give you plenty of benefits that make it worthwhile.

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